Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

2 min readJan 1, 2021

One of the things that I struggled with is Time Management. I’m the kind of person who left all the work for the last two days before the deadline. I’ve tried multiple things like making colorful and exciting time tables and waking up early (to sleep back again), but nothing seems to work for me much.

This week, I got to know some things through Amal that I didn’t know before, such as the Pomodoro Technique. It is a Time management method and one of the life hacks created by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. All you have to do is find a task, make up your mind that you WILL complete this, set a 25 minutes timer, and get to work. Repeat the whole thing at least four times with short 5 minutes break in between and notice your timings.

The Savior

I decided to complete my course two project work; Build your Superhero Resume.

1st Step: The first Step was not much distracting. I noticed I yawned a lot, but it’s okay because I did use my 25 minutes productively.

2nd Step: Everything was going smoothly, but I got distracted this time because one of my friends called to ask something. So, I wasted my 4 to 5 minutes on that and 3 minutes of scrolling.

3rd Step: I skipped my5 minutes break and jumped to step three. I did my work better this time but still waste enough time to eat oranges and tease my sister.

4th Step: At this point, I thought that I’d be done with my resume, but I was wrong because this was my first time making a resume, so it was a bit difficult, but I managed to complete 70% of my work within 2 hours including the breaks.

Now that I think about it, I am sure that I would have spent the whole day making my resume less and using my phone more, but with the help of this technique, I was able to do most of my work. So, I would say that it worked for me, and I plan to apply this technique more in my life, from studying to house chores.

